【引数】Range :対象のRange
Hidden :非表示列に対応するオプション
MergeCell: 結合セルに対応するオプション
Public Function fRange_EndCol(Range As Range, Optional Hidden As Boolean = True, Optional MergeCell As Boolean = True, _
Optional EndEdge As Long = 0) As Long
If Range Is Nothing Then Exit Function
With Range.Worksheet
Dim Col_Used As Long
Col_Used = .UsedRange.Column + .UsedRange.Columns.Count - 1
Dim Col_Edge As Long
Col_Edge = EndEdge
If Col_Edge <= 0 Then
Col_Edge = Col_Used
End If
Dim Area As Range
Set Area = Range.Application.Intersect(Range.EntireRow, .UsedRange.EntireColumn)
Dim Row_S As Long
Dim Row_E As Long
Row_S = Area.Row
Row_E = Area.Row + Area.Rows.Count - 1
Dim Row_T As Long
For Row_T = Row_S To Row_E
Dim Col_End As Long
If IsEmpty(.Cells(Row_T, Col_Edge)) = False Then
Col_End = Col_Edge
Col_End = .Cells(Row_T, Col_Edge).End(xlToLeft).Column
End If
If Hidden = True Then
If Col_End < Col_Edge Then
Dim DataAry As Variant
DataAry = .Range(.Cells(Row_T, Col_End), .Cells(Row_T, Col_Edge)).Value
Dim i As Long
For i = UBound(DataAry, 2) To LBound(DataAry, 2) Step -1
If CStr(DataAry(1, i)) <> "" Then
Col_End = Col_End + i - 1
Exit For
End If
End If
End If
If MergeCell = True Then
Dim Cell As Range
Set Cell = .Cells(Row_T, Col_End)
If Cell.MergeCells = True Then
Col_End = Col_End + Cell.MergeArea.Columns.Count - 1
End If
End If
Dim Col_Max As Long
If Col_Max < Col_End Then
Col_Max = Col_End
End If
End With
fRange_EndCol = Col_Max
End Function