【注意】切り取った配列の要素は, 切り取る場所に合わせている
例えば{1 to 3}という配列に対して要素2-3(Start=2, End_=3)を切り取った場合、
戻値の要素は{2 to 3}となる(2次元配列も同様)
【引数】DataAry :データ配列
Start :切り取る開始位置
Direction :切り取る方向(xlRows=横方向(1次元), xlColmuns=縦方向(2次元))
Public Function fArray_Slice(DataAry As Variant, Index As Long, _
Optional Direction As XlRowCol = xlRows) As Variant
fArray_Slice = prArray_Slice(DataAry, Index, Direction:=Direction, AutoDimdown:=True)
End Function
Public Function fArray_Range(DataAry As Variant, Start As Long, End_ As Long, _
Optional Direction As XlRowCol = xlRows) As Variant
fArray_Range = prArray_Slice(DataAry, Start, End_, Direction, AutoDimdown:=False)
End Function
Private Function prArray_Slice(DataAry As Variant, Start As Long, _
Optional End_ As Variant, _
Optional Direction As XlRowCol = xlRows, _
Optional AutoDimdown As Boolean = False) As Variant
Dim Row_L As Long
Dim Row_U As Long
Dim Col_L As Long
Dim Col_U As Long
Call fArray_Lbound_Ubound(DataAry, Row_L, Row_U, Col_L, Col_U)
Dim CntDim As Long
CntDim = fArray_DimCount(DataAry)
If (CntDim = 1 Or CntDim = 2) = False Then Exit Function
Dim Idx_S As Long
Dim Idx_E As Long
Idx_S = Start
Idx_E = IIf(IsMissing(End_), Start, End_)
If (Idx_S <= Idx_E) = False Then Exit Function
Dim Row_S As Long
Dim Row_E As Long
Dim Col_S As Long
Dim Col_E As Long
Dim Direct As XlRowCol
Direct = IIf(CntDim = 1, xlRows, Direction)
If Direct = xlRows Then
Row_S = IIf(Idx_S < Row_L, Row_L, Idx_S)
Row_E = IIf(Row_U < Idx_E, Row_U, Idx_E)
If (Row_S <= Row_E) = False Then Exit Function
Col_S = Col_L
Col_E = Col_U
Col_S = IIf(Idx_S < Col_L, Col_L, Idx_S)
Col_E = IIf(Col_U < Idx_E, Col_U, Idx_E)
If (Col_S <= Col_E) = False Then Exit Function
Row_S = Row_L
Row_E = Row_U
End If
Dim SliceAry As Variant
Select Case CntDim
Case 1
ReDim SliceAry(Row_S To Row_E)
Dim Row_T As Long
For Row_T = Row_S To Row_E
SliceAry(Row_T) = DataAry(Row_T)
Case 2
Dim Col_T As Long
If (Row_S = Row_E Or Col_S = Col_E) And (AutoDimdown = True) Then
If Direct = xlRows Then
ReDim SliceAry(Col_S To Col_E)
Row_T = Row_S
For Col_T = Col_S To Col_E
SliceAry(Col_T) = DataAry(Row_T, Col_T)
ReDim SliceAry(Row_S To Row_E)
Col_T = Col_S
For Row_T = Row_S To Row_E
SliceAry(Row_T) = DataAry(Row_T, Col_T)
End If
ReDim SliceAry(Row_S To Row_E, Col_S To Col_E)
For Col_T = Col_S To Col_E
For Row_T = Row_S To Row_E
SliceAry(Row_T, Col_T) = DataAry(Row_T, Col_T)
End If
End Select
prArray_Slice = SliceAry
End Function